


When asked how he deals with the ornery, miserable, nasty patient, a busy urologist relates that he tells them that their case is more involved than what he treats, and that he would like them to see another specialist in town who might be able to better deal with their problem. This way he avoids dealing with a patient who would make his life miserable. Directing the misanthropic patient to a teaching hospital or a boutique practice, where they have time to placate the difficult patient, relieves stress and burnout.


It is extremely difficult to go through your lifetime of practice without incurring some adversarial relationships. You must avoid or mitigate such incidents to protect your reputation and the integrity of your practice. Doctors with great bedside manner have fewer incidents; however, it is inevitable that even they will not please everyone all the time. Learning how to handle adversarial relationships requires various strategies to defuse situations while maintaining your sanity.

There are several areas of human interaction that are prone to misunderstanding, disagreement, or conflict. Good communication skills are necessary to both avoid and remedy adversarial incidents.


Rules and policies must be established for an office to run properly. Policy and exceptions must be taught to your staff so you don’t have to handle every problem. Your policies should be flexible enough to show compassion without having patients take advantage of your kindness. An office that is too rigid tends to dilute the doctor’s efforts at bedside manner.

There are times you have to give in to patient demands, but it should be the exception; and when it causes tension between you and your staff, make sure you explain to them why you gave in and hear their point of view so that you remain attuned to their feelings.

Money Matters

Non-payment of bills or disagreement over fees for services rendered has great potential for adversarial conflict. Strict monetary policy makes matters worse. Many patients leave a practice because of money issues. Exceptions should be made to help a patient who has financial problems, when fees weren’t clearly explained, or when insurance companies don’t pay what was expected. Certainly, you don’t want patients to take advantage of your goodwill, but any financial policy needs to have some flexibility.

If you explain to your staff in advance those situations where payment policy may be changed, you won’t be undermining their authority at the front desk. Helping a needy patient through a difficult time may be the best booster for your bedside manner as it personifies compassion. Offering a refund for a failed procedure doesn’t have to be construed as an admission of guilt. It can be a wonderful practice booster for the patient who may not have understood the prognosis issues related to their treatment.

Financial policy exceptions need to have limitations. You don’t want to become the neighborhood banker. Sadly, some people pay bills that have to be paid and put off payment to the good-hearted doctor who doesn’t have any policy about collection of fees.


Coming late to appointments and repeatedly missing appointments leads to adversarial relations. It is important to identify those patients who are repeat offenders and utilize scheduling remedies noted in the post on the waiting room.

Rather than sending a late patient home, it may be best to have them seated and let the doctor do a cursory exam and explain why he needs them to return and be on time so he will be able to accomplish the procedure.


“We’re lucky that today I only had to do a minor procedure. Next visit, I need much more time so please don’t be late for that appointment.”

I worked for an office that refused to see patients if they came more than fifteen minutes late. Since each visit was scheduled for thirty minutes, it could be argued that it was reasonable enough to reappoint patients coming that late. While sitting around reading a magazine, waiting for my patient, I heard her arrive and explain to the secretary how she waited in the storm for the bus to come, and it was running late. The secretary proceeded to tell the patient she would have to reschedule. I intervened and told the patient I would see her. Naturally, the secretary wasn’t very happy.

Had I let the secretary turn away this old woman, drenched by the storm, I would have validated the poor reputation this office developed over the years. You have to have a heart and not worry so much about going to lunch late. Better yet, in your office, set up policies that prevent adversarial situations.


The Dictating Patient

Numerous patient behaviors result in conflict. There are those who like to dictate treatment. The patient can refuse treatment, get other opinions, or not follow directions; but dictating treatment is not permitted. This doesn’t mean the doctor shouldn’t be open to patient suggestions or ideas they may have garnered in some alternative therapy search. Showing interest in their ideas makes them feel validated in spending the time to do the research, while disregarding or mocking their efforts lends toward bad feelings.

You cannot let a patient dictate malpractice. If the patient says they want you to perform a procedure in a manner that you know is malpractice, having them sign a waiver does not remove your liability. A patient refusing x-rays is a common example. A signed waiver doesn’t excuse the doctor’s responsibility when untoward results occur from not having the proper x-rays.

The Nasty Patient

An experienced psychologist:

“I have been taught never to try to reason with an angry or irrational patient, it just doesn’t work. What I will use is a ‘joining technique’ simply trying to join with the patient where he/she is at with the anger that they have. It shows the patient that you not only hear what they are saying but also that you understand what they are feeling.”


Truly belligerent patients should be dismissed from your practice. You can’t please the world and there is no reason you need the added stress of an inconsiderate, nasty person unless you like the challenge.

Staff will often run back to warn doctors about some terribly obnoxious patient. These patients may be on antidepressants or other psychotropic drugs. They may have some personality disorder that makes them adversarial with most of the people in their lives. Make your staff aware of such personality types and how to recognize them by reading their medical history and noting the medications they take. Your staff will be better able to deal with the belligerence knowing there is a medical reason for the abhorrent behavior. Quite often patients who act antisocial are bipolar, depressed, or dealing with some such illness. Some are diagnosed as having borderline personality disorders. Make sure you know what this means as it will help you to understand their behaviors. Others may just be miserable, have low tolerance for stress, or they may be inconsiderate of others. Once you and your staff recognize this reality, you will not take affronts personally.

The Let’s Make A Deal Patient

Some patients may try to bargain for services. You have the option to make deals, though that may not appear very professional. Hopefully, your fees are based on the value of the services rendered and should not be discounted except for financial hardship or perhaps as a discount for multiple procedures. The best way to handle a bargaining patient is to explain that your fees are the same for everyone and that if you were to offer a discount to one patient you would have to offer it to all patients to be fair. You may want to have senior fees for the elderly who rather often ask if they are available. By offering compassionate answers to patients’ requests, you keep your bedside manner intact even if you don’t give the patient the answer they desire.

The Nasty Letter

When patients make written complaints against you, your staff, or office policies, it is best to respond personally to their concerns either by phone or by mail. Avoid making incriminating statements that can be used against you in court, but don’t be afraid to defend your polices in a professional and respectful manner. If the patient complaint is justified, be willing to apologize for inappropriate policies, staff behavior, or personal behavior. Patients will appreciate the time you take to respond, and many times you can resolve the misunderstanding and retain a patient who becomes loyal and admiring rather than the one who makes negative comments all around town. If you don’t have the time or the ability to respond personally, have a highly competent, compassionate staff member take on the responsibility. Always document in the patient chart any response you or your staff make by phone.


Some would argue that relations with staff shouldn’t affect bedside manner, however, if your staff isn’t on your side, they can convey negativity to patients either subconsciously or overtly by making negative comments. Negativity always undermines the doctor-patient relationship by placing doubts as to why others may not like the provider.

This not being a treatise on salaries, raises, benefits, and other staffing issues. Suffice it to say negative behaviors or comments by staff should not be tolerated. Most doctors who have great bedside manner are usually warm and caring to their staff, and the staff is usually very fond of the doctors. This positive relationship is conveyed to the patients either overtly or subtly in the way they show respect. A positive relationship with staff validates the patient’s good feelings about the doctor.

You have to be creative in order please your patients and staff. You need to have them both on your side.

The patient is always right philosophy is a detriment to relationships with staff. No matter what the staff says regarding policy, if the patient complains, and the doctor acquiesces, the staff may become furious, and justifiably so.

In cases where you let the patients have their way, they will love you. However, catering to pushy patients will invariably inconvenience others. There are times when you should get rid of adversarial patients who can’t get along with your staff and abide by your policies. A happy staff is much more important than a few happy dysfunctional patients.


Negative comments about other professionals are not appropriate. While some health-care providers feed upon making negative comments about colleagues to make themselves look superior, it is not professional or ethical. It does get some patients to assume you must be very good since you recognize the failings of the other provider, but it also undermines the profession making patients believe other doctors are incompetent. Unless you know the circumstances of the other doctor’s relationship with the patient, you cannot comment fairly.

If you find a colleague who invariably provides poor advice or treatment to common patients, you have a duty to contact this provider to make sure your judgment is valid, make recommendations, and if problems continue, consider a report to the medical board.

If a colleague contacts you in an adversarial manner, maintain a professional demeanor, listen to the complaint, and indicate you will respond to the issue after some thought. It would be best to get counsel from other colleagues if the complaint regards treatment protocol. When you get back to the provider, you can have your response and remedy well thought out and organized.


• Robert Fleisher (2016/02/29 19:00)

What a great set of comments. You all show great levels of understanding and maturity on these issues. This is unusual for such new practitioners. Actually, the experiences you have related show, as Daniel noted, some of you have graduated from the school of hard knocks. Interestingly, adversarial relationships with patients and even with staff are much more difficult than treating a second molar with curved roots.

• Daniel Kim (2016/02/13 06:45)
I have had several occasions in which some of my patients were extremely rude to my staff. I knew my staff were not at fault and I had to intervene the patients. Make a long story short, I had to fire the patients, I do my best to keep my patients happy but I cannot (don\\\'t want to) make everyone happy, especially some anti-social people. This resulted in happier and staff. I also had some patients who constantly cancel appointment last minute. They are local small business owners I met through a business mixer event. They scheduled an evening appointment (the most popular time) and frequently cancel last minute because they were tired, they had customers and etc. As a dentist, attending a local small business meeting is not a good idea. They want a deal from you but they don\\\'t give you a deal when you use their service because you are a rich doctor. I have had patients who wanted to barter services and all of them disappeared after getting my service. I had a big loss on these people. I learned through the school of hard knocks that not to barter service, not to do any business (investing through patient) with patients. Show to patients your staff has authority. They will bypass your staff and take advantage of you.
• Antonio (2016/02/02 23:06)
As much as we love what we do encountering an adversarial relationship can raise stress levels in and out of work more than common treatment complications. I agree even when a doctor posses good beside manners, some situations can be avoided but as you very well mentioned patients suffering from psychological/behavioral issues can still stir things up in the office with the doctor and/or staff. Office policies and rules for staff member and associates or partners are the main components that regulate and support the business or work model of a private practice. We can visualize them as the back bone of dental office supporting every member as a team. They should be clear and fair in order to avoid any kinks or twists along its span. Being too rigid and strict can harden it to the point where it becomes too brittle and stiff, on the other hand being too lenient, flexible and giving in to exceptions excessively will cause it to soften and droop. On either extreme the structural integrity is lost causing it to break or collapse. Which is why obtaining a balance and depending on the situation tilting it in favor of the staff and associates or towards the patient to a reasonable degree can provide the proper support and sustain the private practice in equilibrium. After all patients will return to the dental office that proved to be reasonable and caring; same as staff members will continue being motivated and stay as part of the team which operates it. Great blog topic!
• Maria (2016/01/27 04:01)
You have touched many important points on your blog, to me one of the most difficult things in practice is dealing with a difficult nasty demanding patient. Those patients can be a pain and cause the clinician to feel depressed or create low self esteem. I know using comedy can be used to calm a nervous patient, but have you ever used comedy with difficult patients and turned them around to your side?
• Anna (2016/01/26 21:10)
This post explains very well the importance of having and implementing rules and policies which keep order and flow in a medical office. However, at the same time it is essentia to, on occasion, be flexible in implementing these rules especially in situations where there is a potential for an adversarial interaction. While not a good habit to be practicing on a regular basis, occasionally when dealing with a patient that is going through financial strain, offering leniency can be of great service to the patient and a great practice-building tool. Furthermore, if managed properly refunds can demonstrate a practitioner’s care in a quality long-term outcome of their work as well as understanding of patient’s incomplete understanding of the treatment prognosis. Instead of the front desk dismissing a patient who is late on a consistent basis it is beneficial for the doctor to have a consultation with the patient to discuss the need to be on time and to carry on with treatment. Compassion is essential to avoiding adversarial interactions. If a patient had a one-time, genuine excuse for being late and or not showing up to the appointment, it is better to be understanding and accommodating to the best possibility. Signing a waiver by a patient does not excuse the doctor from responsibility. If a patient is misdiagnosed due to refusal to have radiographs taken, the consequences are still the practitioner’s responsibility. In those instances, where the practitioner’s license and or practice are on the line, no matter what the potential social consequences, it is acceptable to refuse to comply with patient demands. Instead of arguing with an irrational patient it is better to join the patient and have them feel like their concerns are listened to and understood. If the patient’s behavior is overwhelming it is better to dismiss them from the office. Be familiar with patient’s medical history and aware of any psychiatric disorders and or medications they might be taking. Also train your staff to recognize the characteristics of a belligerent patient and to report to the doctor as soon as there is any concern. If you do not want to comply with a patient’s request for a discount, for example, it is always best to provide a compassionate answer that acknowledges the patient’s concern but at the same time express that there are office policies that prevent you from making any adjustments; that it would be unfair to other patients. A good relationship with staff is key to helping manage adversarial patients. Staff that feels loyalty and passion for the practice will be more likely to protect it. It is always important to have staff understand that even though patient care and satisfaction is an important office philosophy, in cases of unacceptable patient behavior, the staff can have the confidence that they will be protected, defended, and their dignity will be maintained.

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